Wednesday 24 November 2010

Day 111

Sorry I've not posted for the last month or so, but being out of work as been a little depressing and I've not really felt like writing anything down on this blog. This attitude as sadly crossed over to the way I've been handling my diabetes.

My cycling come back as gone right down hill and I'm back to square one with my fitness. My diet as all but stopped and the amount of food that wiol affect my blood sugar has gone up in consumtion.

The latest test that I did the other day was only 7.8 mmo/l, which is a very good reading. Unfortunately, these tests are only a snap shot of my level at the time. An hour after the test the reading could have been double that!

I will knuckle back down and I'm sure when I get a new proper job, I'll get back into a routine and get back on the diet and take this whole thing alot more serious.