Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Day 75

A few days into my period of being out of work has been good for my diabetes. I went out on my bike on sunday and again today. On sunday I really put the hammer down and it felt good.

Today I was out on the bike again, going further than normal and alot more climbing. The weather was at its British best, but even that didn't dampen my spirit. I was also priviliged to see a calf being born as I went through a farm yard. Never a dull moment.

I'm really keeping up with the tablet regime and not missing any. Earlier this evening I took my glucose level and it was a very respectable 8.2mmo/l. The norm is around 6 ish.

Right, getting fitter, getting better! Just got to find a job now!!!!

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Day 65

Since my last post I have to admit that I've come off the rails slightly. The main reason being my weeks long holiday in North Wales and East Yorkshire. Whilst the holiday was great, the diet went out of the window and I got very little excercise.

Next week I will be made redundent from my current job, so this may give an opportunity to get some miles in on my bike whilst looking for another job.

I've also been missing my regular tablet regime, missing one of my Metformin tablets in the evening.

I last took my glucose level on day 63, it came out at a respectable 9.3mmo/l, still 30% higher than it should be, but within acceptable levels.

Time now to knuckle down, get fit, loose weight and find a job, easy if you say it quick enough!